Holidays with Kinders

Thursday, January 12, 2017 - Posted by Ms. Mini at 5:25 PM
Let's be real, the holiday times as a music teacher are simpley crazy. Let's keep the realness going, sometimes you have an idea for a lesson plan, the realize it isn't going to work 5 minutes before the class starts. This is where some of the best improvising happens, and some awesome creativity. Well, thats exactly what happened with a kindergarten lesson this year and let me tell you, it will definitely be a lesson I'll be using for years to come!!

The lesson took a total of 20 minutes. I briefly discussed the concept of a "conductor" with the class and had them demonstrate with their voices following me, their conductor. I'd make them get louder, softer, do weird cut-offs and get them giggling (and paying attention!) I took time to review the following instruments with my students: tambourine, jingle bells, hand drums, woodblock. For each instrument we discussed the correct and incorrect ways to play and laid down the very specific rules of caring for my instruments. I then played The Trepak Dance from The Nutcracker Ballet and demonstrated playing all four instruments. 

I then divided each group of instruments to four different corners and stayed put in the middle of the room as the conductor. The key was all ending at the same time. Then, once we all gently placed the instruments down each group would rotate throughout the room to a different instrument. Oh what joy and what fun the kids had, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself as well!

Sorry fellow teachers--I did not have time to score out all 4 parts, so I thought it would be much easier to demonstrate them all for you. I'm sure you can catch the drift :)