My Music Hallway

Friday, August 11, 2017 - Posted by Ms. Mini at 2:59 PM
Evidenced by my classroom, I am a teacher who loves color. In fact, life in general is just better with color, especially when you work in a building with lots of young learners. So I was six months into my first year of teaching and the hallway down to my room was driving me CRRRR-AZY. It was long (it still is) and very bland (which now it is not). 

The entirety of this project took a week to complete, with some amazing help from my administrator (over Christmas break, 2015-2016). We re-coated the whole wall white, I came in a sketched, and then we tag-teamed the painting from a sketch I had submitted to her. Now, the kids are all jazzed up for music. The quote reads, "music is the language everyone speaks", which I thought was appropriate for my school since so many students are bilingual. 

The hanging music notes were a 2016-2017 addition, which make the hallway even more colorful. I asked each grade level one questions about music (what is your favorite song, how music makes you feel, etc.) I recorded each students response on a separate music note and strung them up.